I currently work at Salesforce as a research scientist. Before that, I worked at Amazon as an applied scientist. I received my Ph.D. degree at MIT Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), advised by Prof. Julie Shah, from which I also received my Master of Science degree in 2019. I received my Bachelor of Science in Engineering degree from Duke University, with double major in Computer Sciene and Electrical & Computer Engineering. I worked with Prof. George Konidaris and Prof. Kris Hauser on my undergraduate research on robotics.
My long-term research goal is to enable trustworthy and responsible machine learning. These days, I am interested in anything related to interpretability and/or large language models (LLMs). My recent research explores LLM-generated free-text self-explanations, their mathematical reasoning abilities, as well as evaluations, utilities and societal implications of model explanations in general.
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